Company Name:Maventic
Total 4 rounds:
1. Aptitude:
Total 7 or 8 questions in 1st round. One program they are giving to write may be simple or Tuff depends on you. But it is conceptual in basic c.... u can write in java also....
2. Program Execution round (Mostly on strings. You can execute either in c or java)
3. HR Round (Prove your language skills here, expect a lot of puzzles and a lot of technical questions)
4. Final Round (A short round with the CEO of the company. His decision is the final.)
Depending on your slot you finish the first three rounds on the same day itself. ( so me from 11:30 slot will surely have 3 rounds the same, so prepare buddy).
Sample Programs for 1st round:
1.GCD of set of integers in a two formats or find gcd recursively according to d condition..(gcd(a,b)=a if a==b else gcd(a,b)=gcd(a-b,b) if a>b else gcd(a,b)=gcd(a,b-a) if b>a)
2. Validate a password having total characters bet 8-10,
having no special character
Atleast one uppercase alphabet or one integer.
3. Print * diagonally...
4. WAP to print slanting *
5. Files and Strings(Be prepared)
6. How to use realloc functions using malloc function
7. Write a program to convert all vowels to capital letter in a sentence
8. Write a program to reverse each word in line(sentence)
Logical Questions for 1st round:
1. Which player will remain not out in a cricket if all goes for duck? Ans-8th player
2. A and B found a coin one side it was a pic of king and the other side it was written 200BC.A said it is fake and B said opposite to it and who is correct and why?
Sample paper 1:
Total 4 rounds:
1. Aptitude:
Total 7 or 8 questions in 1st round. One program they are giving to write may be simple or Tuff depends on you. But it is conceptual in basic c.... u can write in java also....
2. Program Execution round (Mostly on strings. You can execute either in c or java)
3. HR Round (Prove your language skills here, expect a lot of puzzles and a lot of technical questions)
4. Final Round (A short round with the CEO of the company. His decision is the final.)
Depending on your slot you finish the first three rounds on the same day itself. ( so me from 11:30 slot will surely have 3 rounds the same, so prepare buddy).
Sample Programs for 1st round:
1.GCD of set of integers in a two formats or find gcd recursively according to d condition..(gcd(a,b)=a if a==b else gcd(a,b)=gcd(a-b,b) if a>b else gcd(a,b)=gcd(a,b-a) if b>a)
2. Validate a password having total characters bet 8-10,
having no special character
Atleast one uppercase alphabet or one integer.
3. Print * diagonally...
4. WAP to print slanting *
5. Files and Strings(Be prepared)
6. How to use realloc functions using malloc function
7. Write a program to convert all vowels to capital letter in a sentence
8. Write a program to reverse each word in line(sentence)
Logical Questions for 1st round:
1. Which player will remain not out in a cricket if all goes for duck? Ans-8th player
2. A and B found a coin one side it was a pic of king and the other side it was written 200BC.A said it is fake and B said opposite to it and who is correct and why?
Sample paper 1:
(Round 1)
1) six dozzen dozzen dozzen banana and half dozzen dozzen dozzen banana is equal or not justify ur ans....................
2) u have 20 red 30 black and 40 blue shocks u have to select shocks which have at least one
good paired ..Find min num of ways..........
3)how may jar and pencil are if we put 9 pencil in each jar 2 jar are left and if we put 7 pencil in each jar then 3 pencile are left
4) if a programmer will take to think 10 min for 100 line , and take 10 min to write 100 line if he take a 5 min rest after every 10 min then how may line programmer can write
5) They had given one puzzle i forget that one but that was easy
Like u have to take below line two adjacent num and there sum is equal to upper one like that 7)wap for password validitation
a) length should be b/w 8 to 10
b) atleast one upper case letter
c) atleast one inter
2nd Round: (Pretty tough round, be prepared for it. Program execution in C or Java nobody told me C++ so kind of be prepared with C itself)
1. WAP to create a pattern from input string (ascending order of word length, repeated word must be removed-case insensitive).
2. Write a program to accept a line from user and finda.)no of odd words presentb.)no of even words presentc.)no of word representing the set(is,of,on and the)
3. Suppose there r 2 structures. structure1 contains student name ,roll no, project name and structure2 contains project name and coach name. First u enter the data in both the structures. Now write a program if user inputs project name then the record is to be shown like project name, student name, roll no, coach name of each record.
(You can use either files as your database or mysql, but mostly they prefer the program in C language so make sure how you are going to do the program. You can also use java.)
4. Program to sort given n date.
5. Program to print * is various formats.(this question is mostly asked)
3rd Round: (HR Round)
Tell me about your self( Don’t talk for 100 minutes.. tell your name, college. The title and a small gist of your project (not more than 20 seconds)Your technical skills and your area of interest. That’s it).
(This candidate had chosen "C" as his area to question, so questions were like this) 1- Memory management?- explain
2- Storage classes? – explain
3- Deep pointer concepts and dangling pointer
4- Void pointer
5- Dynamic memory allocation of 2d array
6- Recursion technique
7- B.Tech project- expalin in detail ( also expect a hell lot of questions from your project)
Also these type question to other people:
typedef, structure & union, primitive and non -primitive data type, linear and non- linear data structure.
1. Schema diagram for hospital or university (focus on N-to-n Relationship schemas
2. Locks and Normalization
3. ER diagram
Other question in HR round:
1. Write bubble sort and how it will be efficient when already sorted array is input
2. Merging the array
3. Queue operation like push, pop, peep using linked list.
4. Write a C program, to input string1 and string2 and delete the common character from string2 which is present in string1and finally construct the string2 of deleted character above in another string2.
5. A database question in 2 table operation
6. What is index in a table and give an example.
4th round with the CEO and there were no reviews about this round, so this should be something like just a final testing if their decision on selected candidates are correct or not. So nothing big to expect in this round.
On the whole a very decent mid-sized company. They work mostly on SAP and CRM which is very good. They train you on these technologies also. You get paid when you are in training also.
1) six dozzen dozzen dozzen banana and half dozzen dozzen dozzen banana is equal or not justify ur ans....................
2) u have 20 red 30 black and 40 blue shocks u have to select shocks which have at least one
good paired ..Find min num of ways..........
3)how may jar and pencil are if we put 9 pencil in each jar 2 jar are left and if we put 7 pencil in each jar then 3 pencile are left
4) if a programmer will take to think 10 min for 100 line , and take 10 min to write 100 line if he take a 5 min rest after every 10 min then how may line programmer can write
5) They had given one puzzle i forget that one but that was easy
Like u have to take below line two adjacent num and there sum is equal to upper one like that 7)wap for password validitation
a) length should be b/w 8 to 10
b) atleast one upper case letter
c) atleast one inter
2nd Round: (Pretty tough round, be prepared for it. Program execution in C or Java nobody told me C++ so kind of be prepared with C itself)
1. WAP to create a pattern from input string (ascending order of word length, repeated word must be removed-case insensitive).
2. Write a program to accept a line from user and finda.)no of odd words presentb.)no of even words presentc.)no of word representing the set(is,of,on and the)
3. Suppose there r 2 structures. structure1 contains student name ,roll no, project name and structure2 contains project name and coach name. First u enter the data in both the structures. Now write a program if user inputs project name then the record is to be shown like project name, student name, roll no, coach name of each record.
(You can use either files as your database or mysql, but mostly they prefer the program in C language so make sure how you are going to do the program. You can also use java.)
4. Program to sort given n date.
5. Program to print * is various formats.(this question is mostly asked)
3rd Round: (HR Round)
Tell me about your self( Don’t talk for 100 minutes.. tell your name, college. The title and a small gist of your project (not more than 20 seconds)Your technical skills and your area of interest. That’s it).
(This candidate had chosen "C" as his area to question, so questions were like this) 1- Memory management?- explain
2- Storage classes? – explain
3- Deep pointer concepts and dangling pointer
4- Void pointer
5- Dynamic memory allocation of 2d array
6- Recursion technique
7- B.Tech project- expalin in detail ( also expect a hell lot of questions from your project)
Also these type question to other people:
typedef, structure & union, primitive and non -primitive data type, linear and non- linear data structure.
1. Schema diagram for hospital or university (focus on N-to-n Relationship schemas
2. Locks and Normalization
3. ER diagram
Other question in HR round:
1. Write bubble sort and how it will be efficient when already sorted array is input
2. Merging the array
3. Queue operation like push, pop, peep using linked list.
4. Write a C program, to input string1 and string2 and delete the common character from string2 which is present in string1and finally construct the string2 of deleted character above in another string2.
5. A database question in 2 table operation
6. What is index in a table and give an example.
4th round with the CEO and there were no reviews about this round, so this should be something like just a final testing if their decision on selected candidates are correct or not. So nothing big to expect in this round.
On the whole a very decent mid-sized company. They work mostly on SAP and CRM which is very good. They train you on these technologies also. You get paid when you are in training also.

8 Respones to "Maventic Questions,Placement Paper and Exam pattern"
i attended maventic interview first round would wriiten programming test you have complete within 60 min the pgm was very easy(matching substring,reverse a part of the string,sort the dates and validation of password) and second would be execution round this round bit difficult(mostly pgm is on string manipulation) and third techanical round he asked about u r favurate pgm language like c ,c++ and java. i choose java he asked what is inheritance and what is the real time example of polymorphism and final round somthing like short there is no review about that ceo of the company take the interview and he ='s decision is final.
19 May 2016 at 06:22
i attended maventic interview first round would wriiten programming test you have complete within 60 min the pgm was very easy(matching substring,reverse a part of the string,sort the dates and validation of password) and second would be execution round this round bit difficult(mostly pgm is on string manipulation) and third techanical round he asked about u r favurate pgm language like c ,c++ and java. i choose java he asked what is inheritance and what is the real time example of polymorphism and final round somthing like short there is no review about that ceo of the company take the interview and he ='s decision is final.
19 May 2016 at 06:28
19 October 2016 at 06:21
Thank you very much.... It was such a help
24 November 2019 at 03:43
Thankyou ,It is really useful :)
22 September 2020 at 08:12
In CEO round what questions will be ask which types of testing questions is reqd to prepare
7 January 2021 at 03:22
Which types of questions will ask by the CEO of this company?? Pls share some samples and and qts.
7 January 2021 at 03:23
Tomorrow is my exam any tip?
1 March 2021 at 07:46
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