WALMART Bangalore QA TEST SDET Interview Questions
1st Round Technical :
1. Find the sum of both diagonals from a 2D n*n
2. Reverse a string using recursion.
3. Find character count using string inbuilt methods
you can use max two methods. (Sol :
string.length() & replaceAll(given char).
4. Implement ArrayList using Array, Coverall
exceptions, and boundary cases.
5. Singly LinkedList reverse.
6. Find Nth node from the end of a LinkedList.
7. Selenium Web Table questions using ArrayList.
8. Selenium drop-down duplicate find and remove
using HashMap.
9. Explain the Design pattern of the Actions class.
10. Why Page Object Model?
11. Explain the current framework and questions
12. Write program for Java JDBC connection
(Sudo code).
13. Explain TestNG annotations.
14. Explain Java Oops concepts.
15. Java output codes for Polymorphism; static
keywords; Inheritance.
16. Use of Custom Exceptions, Explain.
17. Explain Rest API architecture.
18. All API status codes meanings and conditions with test data.
19. Explain API framework & questions around it.
20. Json Handling; using parsers & POJO.
2nd Round Technical :
1. Java code for All permutations of all elements
from an integer array.
2. Java program to find a number from an array
whose all left elements are smaller & all right
elements are greater.
3. Selenium xpaths: axes (siblings ......)
4. How selenium code invokes browsers using
Factory Design pattern.
5. Java HashMap internal architecture.
6. Occurrence of each character of a String.
7. All iteration methods of HashMap.
8. More questions of Json response complex or nested Jsons.

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