1) 2 fathers have 1 son each ..they went to market and each bought 1 apple each..but when they reach home
they find they have only 3 apples left.how?

answer - grandfather -father -son relationship
2 fathers grandfather and father 2 son father and son 

so total 3 perople and have 3 apples

2)A girl has a basket with 11 apples.She was told to distribute the 11 apples to 11 boys with 1 apple each
to a single boy.After distributing the apples each boy should have 1 apple and 1 apple should be left in the

answer - give 10 apples to 10 boys and instead of giving the last apple to last boy..hand over the basket with 1 apple to the boy.. so 11 boys with 1 apple each
and a basket with 1 apple

3)There are 9 balls 1 is defective we have to find the defective one(its defective..it may be heavier or lighter)
answer :take 3 3 3 balls each.. then we have to check the weight... HR told me to implent it in 3 steps . I dont know the answer.
4) 8 bucket can is filled with milk.we are given 2 buckets 5 and 3 ltr dimensions.we have to calcuclate
1 ltr

answer - Pour the contents of 8 ltr milk into 5 ltr and fill it... so we have 5ltr bucket full and 8 ltr bucket having 3 ltr
Now pour the contents of 5ltr into 3 ltr and fill it... and pour the contents of 3 ltr into 8ltr.
now in 8ltr bucket we have 6ltr milk and in 5 ltr bucket 2 ltr and 3ltr bucket is empty
Pour the contents of 5ltr(2ltr of milk) into 3ltr and pour the contents of 8ltr(6ltrs of milk) into 5ltr milk
Now we have 1 ltr of milk in 8 ltr bucket
Next question:then suppose this 1 ltr is sold... then from this left 7ltr we have to derive 1 ltr again..

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