1st round
1.explain the methodology used in our project2.Explain Agile process
3.Difference between System and System integration testing
4.Which tool used for test management
5.what is test Strategy
6.Explain components in Test plan
7.Rate yourself in manual sql and automation and where you are lagging
8.How do you ensure the coverage
9.Difference between test case and test scenarios
10.What is regression testing
11.Have you worked on ALM
2nd round
1.Explain Framework by writing on the paper2.What are advantages of POM
3.Write a code for login page in POM
4.Explain Agile process for automation
5.Have to used java concept in your framework
6.Explain Method overloading,Overriding
7.Explain Inheritance,Method Overriding with a example
8.how do you verify the element present in the webpage
9.Write a code to fetch data from excel sheet
10.Write a code to Print the all values in the dropdown
11. Explain Jenkins have you involved in devops process
12.Print the count of common alphabets by using two strings
13.Pattern printing
14.Have you involved in implementation of framework
15. how to fetch second and third highest salary from the table
16.Have you used any version control tool

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