
1. how to handle dynamic object
2. how to work with a button which is in a div tag and u have to click without using XPath
3. JVM is a dependent or independent platform many Test script you write in a day
5. describe your framework
6. how to parameterized your Junit to handle SSL security
8. how to handle window pops
9. diffnct between implicit and explicit
10.what are the types of assertion and what is an assertion in Junit


1.JVM is a dependent or an independent platform
2.diffn bw hashmap and hash set, set andLinkedListt, arraylist, and vector list , linkedhash set and hashset
3.abstract and interface
4.throw and throws to split
6.checked and unchecked exception to work with azax aplication
8.why sring is immutable
9.wat is the retru ntype of getwindowhandles();
10.what are the types of assertion and what are an assertion in java

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